Thursday, April 22, 2010


If you're into coffee for more than just the caffeine rush (and a double double just doesn't do it for you), then you'll be interested in The TCC. The Toronto Coffee Conspiracy is not an evil collective of industry-controlling businesses, it's more like a family of independent coffee shops that pride themselves on serving a quality cup of joe.

But wait, there's more!!! You're obviously wondering what's so conspiratorial about this and what the big deal is about a group of coffee shops anyway. Basically, they've developed a system called The Disloyalty Card (pictured above). The way it works is that you buy a cup of coffee at one of the TCC member shops, get your card stamped, move on to the next shop... and so on. Once you've jacked yourself up on great espresso (or your drink of choice) at each of the participating shops, go back to your starting point for a free cup of coffee.

A customer loyalty card is not a new concept, but this 'Disloyalty Card' idea is special because it encourages coffee lovers to visit any of the better cafes in town. Not all the great cafes are part of this group yet, but hopefully they will be soon.

The Toronto Coffee Conspiracy is basically an awareness campaign. What they are trying to drill into our heads is that quality, care and independence are factors that make for a better cuppa.

(Follow The TCC on Facebook & Twitter)


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