Monday, January 18, 2010

So 2010 is upon us folks. If you're experiencing those post-holiday blues, don't worry. There's a lot to look forward to this year.

Live music from English folk/punk-rocker Frank Turner at the end of the month. Some of you may know about the free Horseshoe show on Jan. 26, but even fewer may know about his Dakota show on the 27th.

Gordon Lightfoot & Gord Downie @ Toronto Centre for the Arts on Feb. 4

Jay Malinowski (of Bedouin Soundclash) is doing a solo show @ The Rivoli on March 6

Then, just when the winter is about to blow over, the city is getting hit with a storm of music. Canadian Music Week is taking place between the 10th and 14th of March. With each passing year, CMW brings more Canadian and International artists to the stage. Every year the bands get better, every year there are a few surprises, and for one week the streets are packed with venue hopping music lovers. Now that's what I call arts tourism. So far, there are some pretty sweet bands slated for the 2010 festival: OLP, Joel Plaskett, Bedouin Soundclash, and obviously a whole lot more as we near the festival.

I know that's a lot of music/event news to digest, so I'll be back later with more news/updates.

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